Blog:How Sedation Dentistry Has Made the Procedures Painless
Some dental procedures may involve surgery. To prevent pain and distress, most dentists practice sedation dentistry.
Do you always avoid getting your teeth cleaned due to the fear of pain and distress? would you rather take pain relievers for toothache than go for treatment in a dentist’s office? you are not alone. Some people prefer to endure the pain and discomfort of their dental problems than go for treatment.
If you are in this category, sedation dentistry would be a solution for you. A sedation dentist can use it for invasive procedures to simple ones like tooth cleanings, depending on your level of anxiety and fear.
What does sedation dentistry involve?
Sedation dentistry involves the use of anesthetics to help patients relax during invasive and non-invasive dental procedures. the patient is always awake unless they are under general anesthesia.
The levels of sedation can be:
Minimal sedation whereby the patient is awake but relaxed
Conscious sedation where you might slur while speaking but still awake
Deep sedation whereby you are not conscious but can be awakened
General anesthesia sedation where you are asleep and unconscious
Types of sedation used in dentistry
The common types of sedation that dentists use are:
Minimal inhaled sedation
In this case, you will inhale a mixture of nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas and oxygen through a mask that your dentist places over your nose. The gas will help you relax during the procedure but tends to wear out fast.
It is the only form of sedation that your dentist can clear you to drive yourself home after the dental procedure.
Oral sedation
Oral sedation ranges from minimal to moderate, depending on the dosage. For minimal sedation, your dentist will give you a halcion pill to take an hour before the procedure. The pill will make you feel drowsy, but you will still be awake.
For moderate sedation, your dentist will give a larger dose of the pill. Sometimes, patients feel drowsy and end up falling asleep during the procedure. However, you can be awakened with a shake or a tap on your shoulder.
Your dentist administers the sedation through your veins so that it works quickly. The method also allows your dentists to regulate the amount of anesthesia that goes into your body.
While administering this sedation, your dentist will use general anesthesia. You will either be almost or deeply unconscious. If you are under general anesthesia, you can’t be awakened until its effects wear off or are reversed through medication. Before undergoing a procedure under general anesthesia, your dentist will ask you to find someone to drive you home.
Regardless of which sedation the dentist uses, they will administer local anesthesia to numb the site of surgery.
Who is most eligible for sedation?
People with fear and anxiety are the most appropriate candidates for sedation. Sedation dentistry will reduce their fear and anxiety to visit a dentist. The other population eligible for sedation are people:
With a low pain threshold
Who are always distressed and can’t sit still in a chair at the dentist’s office
Having sensitive teeth
Who needs a large amount of dental work
A dentist might administer sedatives to children who are afraid of going for a dental procedure or are uncooperative during the treatment.
Is sedation dentistry safe?
Sedation is safe if administered by a professional. However, it can still be risky. People with obstructive sleep apnea or are obese should talk to their dentist before sedation, the reason being, they can develop complications during the sedation.
Before the procedure you should:
Sedation dentist in Weymouth, Ma
Are you a resident of Weymouth,ma, and in need of sedation dentistry near you? Dr. David F Grace dmd of aesthetic & restorative dentistry is an experienced sedation dentist, who will provide you with satisfactory services you need. he is known for providing a friendly atmosphere and:
If you need a sedation dentistry procedure you can consider booking an appointment with him.